Saturday, 11 February 2012

11 February 2012

A Very welcome sight today was the sign of some work has been done on the wetland to remove the weed, which has engulfed the wetland for the past few years. Also it was great to see some muddy edges so I will be popping back down to see what waders turn up. A HUGE THANK YOU to whoever organized/did the work here. Ive tried for years to find out off various North Tyneside Council members and have never received a response.
So back to the birds....... 16 Yellowhammers flew into the caravan field and I swear I heard a lapland bunting in with them. 6 Mallard, 3 Moorhen and a few Teal on the Wetland also a single Redshank. The usual Gulls in the North Carpark and a few eider offshore....

Look at that water and lovely mud....

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